Trinity Community Project

‘Opening Doors for the Community’

For future use

Watch this space

Event date ct? contact amount
Ladies group lunch March 06/03/2012 Joanne Heslop £40.00
Ladies group lunch April 10/04/2012 Joanne Heslop £45.00
Plant sale 21/04/2012 Molly Shaw £20.00
Book sale 25/04/2012 Tony Heslop £31.00
Thursday Lunch & Concert May 03/05/2012 Bernard Newman & Teams £325.00
Ladies group lunch May 15/05/2012 Joanne Heslop £40.00
Jubilee Lunch and Concert 07/06/2012 Bernard Newman & Teams £672.50
Plant sale 10/06/2012 Molly Shaw £20.00
Ladies group lunch June 12/06/2012 Joanne Heslop £35.00
Plant Sale ??/06/2012 Roger Lawton £6.00
Trains@Trinity 16/06/2012     A Bukley/B Mapletoft/M Arnold £290.00
Catering Trains@Trinity 16/06/2012 Joanne Heslop and team £213.88
Gift Aid Donation Trains@Trinity Tony Heslop £80.00
St Neots Concert Band 01/07/2012 Jean Carrick £215.00
Plant Sale 05/07/2012 Molly Shaw £15.50
Memorial donation 05/07/2012 Robert Brookes £15.00
Strawberry Teas 05/07/2012 Eileen Fielding £184.00
quiz evening profit 08/07/2012 £15.00
Plant Sale 08/07/2012 Molly Shaw £11.50
Ladies group lunch July 24/07/2012 Joanne Heslop £35.00
Soup & Cake 02/08/2012 Joanne Heslop £176.49
Gift Aid Donation Soup & Cake 02/08/2012 Mrs D M P Stiles £20.00
Stall at Soup & Cake 02/08/2012 Sylvia Thompson £7.50
Car Boot Sale 26/08/2012 Burrows & Lawtons £190.00
Donation 02/04/2012 £2,500.00
Gift Day 09/07/2012 £3,108.70
Gift Aid refund £905.00
Gift Day late payment 19/08/2012 £125.00
Gift Day late payment 05/09/2012 £590.00
September Lunch 06/09/2012 Bernard Newman & Teams £257.13
Donation gift aided 06/09/2012 Tony Heslop £65.49
Plant sale 09/09/2012 Molly Shaw £5.00
Sale Blackberry Jam 23/09/2012 Ann Barford £12.75
September Ladies Lunch 25/09/2012 Joanne Heslop £30.00
Collectables valuation evening 29/09/2012 Rose Forbes £100.00
Retiring collection Sept Lunch 02/10/2012 £35.01
Stall   07/10/2012 Molly Shaw £25.00
Stall  07/09/2012 Gwen Lawton £35.00
October Lunch 08/10/2012 Bernard Newman & Teams £176.16
Stall 10/10/2012 Anne Utteridge £10.00
Photos 14/10/2012 Roger Lawton (gift Aid) £5.00
Stall 21/10/2012 Molly Shaw £10.00
Donation 23/10/2012 Judy Elsden £20.00
Be the Best You Can Be 23/10/2012 Heather Harrison £202.00
November Lunch 04/11/2012 Bernard Newman & Teams £320.58
Sale embroidery 04/11/2012 Jean Carrick £200.00
Stall 05/11/2012 Gwyneth  & Thelma £50.00
Christmas Dinner Sales 06/11/2012 Brenard Newman and teams £513.00
Knitted Goods Sale 06/11/2012 Eileen Fielding £20.00
Ladies Lunch Nov 06/11/2012 Joanne Heslop £25.00
Concert Light Music 25/11/2012 Frank Pallister & Paul Hirst £520.00
Donation Christmas Lunch 06/12/2012 £18.00
Table top sale christmas dinner 06/12/2012 Gwyneth & Roger Lawton £52.00
Golden Wedding Thanksgiving Gwyneth & Roger Lawton £100.00
Cubs Christmas service collection B Mapletoft & Biggleswade Cubs £102.57
Ladies Lunch December 20/12/2012 Joanne Heslop £30.00
100th Birthday thanksgiving 30/12/2012 Gladys Bygraves £153.00
Soup &  Cake Lunch 10/01/2013 Joanne Heslop & Heather Harrison £154.00
Donation Birthday Celebration 13/01/2013 Mr & Mrs D Hirst £20.00
Donation 25/01/2013 David & Heather Harison £100.00
Anonymous Donation 25/01/2013 £25.00
Donation  28/01/2013 Mr & Mrs E Ferris-Brown £100.00
Ladies Lunch (Jan) 29/01/2013 Joanne Heslop £35.00
In memory Geoff Denny 09/02/2013 £205.00
February Lunch & Concert 07/02/2013 Bernard Newman & Teams £477.10
Car Boot Sale 09/02/2013 M. Burrows,R & G Lawton £30.00
Concert WGC MVC 16/02/2013 WGC MVC £931.00
Ladies Lunch (feb) 28/02/2013 Joanne Heslop £35.00
Donation  24/03/2013 Roger Lawton (Gift Aid) £5.00
Ticket sales  25/03/2013 Biggleswade Express £37.00
Donation 03/04/2013 Gift aided £1,000.00
Donation 07/04/2013 Roger Lawton (Gift Aid) £15.00
Easter Breakfast 07/04/2013 P Mapletoft £20.00
Ladies Lunch April 09/04/2013 Joanne Heslop £30.00
Lunch and concert April 11/04/2013 Bernard Newman & Teams £216.51
Donation 14/04/2013 David & Pam Collinson £50.00
Auction of Promises 02/05/2013 Christine Denny £970.00
Stall Biggleswade Market 04/05/2013 £238.10
Lunch and Concert May 10/05/2013 Bernard Newman & Teams £360.62
Amici Singers 19/05/2013 £380.00
Donation 21/05/2013 Cliff Forbes £10.00
Ladies Lunch May 21/05/2013 Joanne Heslop £30.00
Plant sale 02/06/2013 Molly Shaw £25.00
Lunch & Concert June incl collection 06/06/2013 Bernard Newman & Teams £373.27
Donation 09/06/2013 Richard Laughton £500.00
Gift Aid refund 02/07/2013 £1,235.80
Bring and Buy   yes Rose Forbes £201.94
Cards sale yes Nora Hirst £300.00
Photo reprints yes Tony Heslop £36.00
easyfundraising.orguk yes not yet released £39.64
Total so far raised in this round £21,210.74
Other funding
Paid to previous architects £11,063.46
Balance b/f from previous fund raising £12,909.27
Grant from Circuit (Approved)  £6,000.00
Grant from John Warren Foundation  £400.00
Wives Working Party £2,500.00
Grant from Preen Community Interest Co £2,500.00
Grant from Garfield Weston Foundation £3,000.00
Grant from Beds & Herts Historic Churches Trust Amount to be confirmed
Grant from District £600.00
Grant from London Missions £3,000.00
Total  raised in all £63,183.47
(Target £68,500)
Payments already made
Architects £11,063.46
Lewis Patten Architects £3,470.00
Cube Building consultancy Quantity Surveyors £816.00
Total spent so far £15,349.46
Net amount available to spend £47,834.01